Do you make films based on anthropological fieldwork and research? Submit your film to Journal of Anthropological Films – JAF.
Do you have an academic career? Films published by JAF have been peer-reviewed and get academic recognition just as written papers published by any academic peer-reviewed journals.
Do you want your film to have a life after touring at festivals, or a life for your film that never made it to festivals, but is still a contribution to anthropology?
Do you want your film easily accessible for those teaching about the cultural and social variations of the world, and all those who want to know more about everyday lives around the world?
JAF presents your film in an academic context and makes it easily available as Open Access.
JAF mostly shows films about ordinary lives in peaceful times. Such images are important to be reminded of, adding to the news.
JAF Vol 6 No 1 will be out on April 23.
A new editorial team will take over the journal from May 2022:
- Alyssa Grossman, University of Liverpool
- Bjørn Arntsen, University of Tromsø – The Artic University of Norway
- Leonard J. Kamerling, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Osmund E B Grøholt, University Museum, University of Bergen