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Here you can find an overview of ethnographic film festival dates and submissions deadlines. Help us populate the calendar and keep it up to date. Please contribute using this submission form.

10th Ethnological Documentary Film Festival, Kratovo

Macedonian Ethnological Society announces the tenth edition of the Ethnological Documentary Film Festival Kratovo. The Festival will be held in the town of Kratovo, Republic of Macedonia. The festival aims to promote visual ethnology/anthropology, to present different approaches to ethnological/anthropological film making, and to animate dialogue between the authors and spectators. The submissions of documentary… Read More »10th Ethnological Documentary Film Festival, Kratovo

41st NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival

Csehétfalva / Cehețel Harghita County, Romania

The NAFA 2022 event will be held in Romania, in the tiny village of Csehétfalva / Cehețel in Harghita County in Transylvania 7-11 September. The Nordic Anthropological Film Association ( and is an organization for cooperation within the field of visual anthropology and has been active since the mid-1970s. NAFA organises an annual International… Read More »41st NAFA International Ethnographic Film Festival