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Call for Sounds: EASA Conference 2022 (Panel P122)

We are looking for participants who would like to share their original sound work during the panel “The Sounds that Bring Us Together” at the EASA conference (Belfast, July 26-29, 2022).

Summary of panel: This listening session features sound works that express the way in which listening generates experiences and indicates how the future may sound like. The programme will address how people experience continuities and frictions “in common” and how sounds play a role in imagining future societies.

If you are interested in submitting a sound work (compositions, arrangements, storytelling, voice, etc.) to this panel, please contact Pablo Herrera ( with the following:

  • Sound clip (in Wav or Mp3 format). Should be no longer than 12 min.
  • Short (50 words) and longer description (300 words) of your sound project / work. Please specify that the submitter owns full rights of the work.
  • Technical description. For instance: how many channels do you need to present your work, any visual accompaniments, etc. and other technical information about the clip.

Deadline to apply directly to Pablo Herrera ( March 21, 2022

For more information about the panel and/or the European Association of Social Anthropologists, visit the conference website.

Sound program convenors:

  • Carlo Cubero (Tallinn University)
  • Pablo D Herrera Veitia (University of Toronto, Scarborough)
  • Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier (University of Victoria)