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One POSTDOCTORAL POSITION at the University of Barcelona: VISUAL TRUST

Deadline: March 7, 2022

One postdoctoral position (2-3 years) in the project VISUAL TRUST: Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific, religious and social images (ERC-Consolidator Grant; IP: Roger Canals) has just been published.

The project is funded by the European Research Council. Its main objective is to analyse through a qualitative, comparative and bottom-up approach, the relationships of (mis)trust that individuals from different socio-cultural milieus establish with “social”, “religious” and “scientific”
images. This research will be conducted on-line and off-line through audio-visual research methods along the lines of Visual Anthropology and Multi-Modal Anthropology. It will lead to several research outcomes (films, articles, book chapters, among others).

This postdoctoral researcher will be part of a research team based at the Faculty of Geography and History at the University of Barcelona. They will conduct research on Task 1.2: Digital Images, Internet, and the Visual Fake (Authenticity, Deception and the role AI).

For more details, visit the website for the position.

Please submit your CV, application letter, and 2 recommendation letters to the following email address: